Wednesday, 24 February 2010

To what extent has using conventions from real texts offered you creative opportunities?

Intro- Define the term 'conventions' in relation to real texts and creativity.

Paragraph 1- Example
-Make a point (e.g 'We looked at the music style used in Vertigo...')

-Relate this to a creative example within own work (e.g 'It allowed us to apply the music conventions of a thriller to our own work...')

-Analyse (explain and assess how this convention was effective within own work)

Paragraph 2- Example
(same format as paragraph 1)

Paragraph 3- Example
(same format as paragraph 1 and 2)


A convention is an aspect of a media product that is common to all products of that genre. We then looked at these and by analysing the videos we found the conventions that we can apply to our own video, this helped us to make a creative decisions but also limited what we could do as we couldn't stray too far from the norm.
When looking at the music style in 'vertigo' we noticed that the convention was music that slowly grew in pace and volume to help create high suspense and tension. We applied this to our own work by creating a sound track that reflected the same feeling. So, as soon as this music was heard by our audience they instantly knew the genre of the video and what to expect from it.
In the research and planning stage of the creation of our music video we looked at various videos of the same genre, by doing this we were able to notice the common conventions used to make a video of that genre. We noticed that the videos of the genre of music that we chose (indie) had a lot of animation incorporated in it and a little bit of performance incorporated. We there

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